July 14, 2014


2014 - 2.5/5

First off, I’ll say that I am a huge fan of Seth Rogen and his style of comedy. This movie follows suit to the ones before it. I can’t say it was one of the best ones (Knocked Up, Superbad, Pineapple Express, I Love You Man), but I got a bunch of little laughs; nothing really memorable though. I don’t mind that a lot of parts were exaggerated; if I got a laugh out of it, I’m willing to suspend the ‘reality-aspect’.

-I’ll mention the most obvious: Zac Efron
-Efron without a shirt; several times might I add
-I like how the face-time was incorporated
-It had a great soundtrack
-The black-light party was cool
-The fight and dance-off between between Mac (Rogen) and Teddy (Efron) was entertaining

Was it a fun movie? Yes.
Did I enjoy watching Efron? Rhetorical question right?
Was it funny? Ya, it had its moments.
Was it Rogen’s best movie? Not by a long shot.

July 12, 2014

Runner Runner

2013 - 0/5

-JT seemed like he was good for the role, but at times, he seemed a bit too old
-things just progressed too fast
-it was made to seem more suspenseful than it really was
-Affleck was steller
-Anthony Mackie was over-doing it with the FBI Agent role
-the Richie Furst voiceovers, and the music make it seem as if its going to be a smart, dramatic thriller, but nadda.

It just seems as if someone is trying to make Justin Timberlake the next witty-action star. I just don't see it happening. I don't think he's hit his stride as an actor... or maybe he just hasn't had that solidifying role yet; I don't know. Either way, you're going to be fine living your life without having seen this movie.

The plot of this movie had high potential to be something really good, but it was too rushed. Honestly, half way through and I wanted it to end. This movie was a bore and it brought absolutely nothing new to the table. Skip it and watch Rounders (1998) or Poolhall Junkies (2002) instead.

Possible SPOILERS:
This was the Justin Timberlake show. Obviously Ben Affleck has nothing to prove nowadays. So here's how the movie played out in my eyes:
-First he has to prove that he's smart: forcing a meeting with Ivan Block
-Then he has to prove that he's willing to do what it takes: getting the guy from London to sign the contract on Block's terms
-Then he has to prove that he's loyal: telling Ivan that he go kidnapped by the FBI
-Then he has to prove (more so to the audience) that he's all in, even though his friend is encouraging him to leave
-Then he has to prove that he's smarter than Block
-Then he gets to be the big shot by tying up all the loose ends (getting Block arrested, giving Agent Shaver the evidence, flying off in a private plan with Blocks girlfriend)

July 7, 2014

The Fault In Our Stars

2014 - 1/5

I've been following the VlogBrothers on YouTube for about 4 years now and when I heard that John Green had a book coming out, I bought it to support him. Now that the movie is out, I for sure wanted to see it, again to support him*.

I did read the book and I can’t say I was a huge fan of that. I didn’t really care to see the movie, but I had the feeling my mom would like it.

As much as I don’t want to specifically categorize this, but this movie is really a teen movie. As an older audience it was just too cheesy. I read a review on IMDB that said this movie was probably aiming to be a “Dromantic Quirkedy” (dramatic romantic quirky comedy).

I wasn’t a fan of the casting which means that I didn’t like the majority of the actors/acting:
-Shailen Woodly was the only actress I liked. I thought she looked the part and I liked her voiceover.
-Gus seemed smug rather than sly and witty.
-I hated Isaac and every time he was on screen.
-I didn’t like Hazel’s mom at all; the actress was overdoing it.
-I really didn’t like Hazel’s dad at all. His acting was terrible and he just didn’t look right in the role.

I didn’t like how Hazel and Gus would go back and forth between how teens typical speak and profound (adult?) speaking. It just seemed out of place.

I give this a 1/5 for John Green and Shailen Woodly. That is all.

I really disliked the cigarette metaphor. I thought that it was still promoting cigarettes (considering the main target audience was teen girls). Although Gus said he never actually lit one, he was still spending money, ergo he was supporting cigarette companies. That just didn’t sit well with me.

Not sure why Gus became depressed after he got back from Amsterdam, considering he knew his cancer was back before he had left.

Hazel walking up all the stairs in Anne Franks house was made to make the audience feel worried about her health, but I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. What made it even worse is the other tourists in the attic applauding Hazel and Gus after they kiss.

My Mom's reviews:
She said that she liked Gus and his character. She liked the movie as a whole. 

*He did say that he was paid out for the rights to the story (via the book), and that he is not making any sort of commission from the movie ticket sales.

July 4, 2014


2014 - 2.5/5

So I did something I've never done before today. I watched a movie... alone... in the theatre. I have never seen a movie alone in a theatre, so I just wanted to mention that just in case because my movie watching experience has any sort of influence on the movie.

Like everyone else, I'm watching this movie because I like Melissa McCarthy. She is highlarious! You pretty much know where this movie is going because McCarthy has pretty much become her own genre. Honestly though, she's so funny that I don't mind. Even if she was in a movie that wasn't that great, she has always been the best part (case in point: Identity Thief). All the funny parts in the movie were very moment based, and thats what makes it original. Its still McCarthy humour, but in that situation.

I also like Susan Sarandon and I thought that the 2 would make a good pair. They just look like they'd have good chemistry together; I believe they did. I think Sarandon and McCarthy did a good job portraying a grandmother-granddaughter relationship that was on the rocks and wasn't perfect.

The movie put a smile on my face from the get-go. I got a lot of good chuckles, and it made me root for Tammy from the very beginning.

The one aspect I didn't like was that Pearl (Sarandon) was a hound-dog. Kicking her own granddaughter out of the motel room so she can sleep with a guy from the bar... really? I don't think that was necessary.

Other McCarthy movies I've reviewed:
The Heat (2013)
This Is 40 (2012)
Bridesmaids (2011)