May 18, 2020

Ready Player 1

year - 1.5/5

Kinda rushed even tho it was almost 2.5 hours. Very different from the book. I watched the movie twice bc I felt that I was comparing the movie too much to the book the first time around. Agsin, felt as if it was rushed and the plot of the movie kinda just smashed puzzle pieces into its place, so it wasn't smooth sailing in my books. Would not bother watching again.

The love story seemed ... Forced? Not sure if that's the right word, but I hate to say rushed again, but the viewer is just supposed to be on board with Wade loving Artimus... Suuuuuure.

April 30, 2020

April 28, 2020

Good Times

year - 2/5

Entertaining for a one time view.

April 13, 2020


2020 - 4/5

Really enjoyed it. As all Pixar movies, I cried in this one too.

Heartfelt story and Pixar always chooses the best route.

January 19, 2020

The Whole Truth

2016 - 1/5

It was interesting for sure, and I liked how it ended, but really, you don't need to watch he whole movie; just the beginning, some parts in the middle, and the end.
I say this because I told my mom the premise of the movie, she was awake for the first little bit, then she passed out for the middle, and then she woke up just in time to see the end where everything unfolded and she pretty much had the same reaction I did.
KR did a good job, the kid did a good job and I had NO idea that was Renee Z! She looks SO different.

January 18, 2020


2019 - 2/5

Not a "Sally movie". Don't mistake my low rating that the movie wasn't good... It just wasn't one I cared for. The acting was fine, the script was fine, the story line was fine, the cinematography was fine, but I just don't get the hype.