August 4, 2012

The Bourne Trilogy

The Bourne Ultimatum 

2007 – 3.6/5

Going into this movie, I have to admit that I didn’t remember a single thing that happened. I remembered a lot more of the first 2, but couldn’t even remember anything that happened in this since I first saw it back in 2007. I decided that I wouldn’t even read the synopsis on the back and once the movie was over, I was happy I didn’t. Although the description on the back never gives anything away, I just didn’t want to know anything.

Again, like the first and second, it had great car chases and well choreographed fights. The pace of this movie, as well as TBI and TBS were fantastic. There was never a slow moment in any of the movies.

I was blindsided when at 1:20 minutes in, you realize that what has happened up until then was occurring during the second movie. It seems like a very hard task to do such a thing but I think it made TBU blend into TBS better.

The Bourne Supremacy 
2004 – 3.8/5

It starts off with Jason and Maria in the middle of the night and Bourne is still struggling with his past and the fact that he still can’t put all the pieces of the puzzle together. Although he is still sorting through his past, it seems as if he’s laid low and been able to hide pretty well. With the killing of 2 CIA agents, the pot gets stirred again because Bourne is being blamed.

Again, like the first he doesn’t really know why people are after him and this time, a Russian mob (?) is after him too! This movie sends chills down your spine. I will say that I liked this a bit more than the first and that rarely happens. The fight scenes in this on were a bit more up-close, but still very good and the car chases were pretty good too.

Although Julia Stiles was in the first one, she had a bigger role in this. I think this was her best role ever. The character suited her and she suited the character. Very well done.

The Bourne Identity

2002 – 3.7/5

Right from the get-go we’re intrigued because Matt Damon doesn’t even know who he is. We only know as much as he does and we’re learning more as the movie goes along. These types of movies always seem to remain suspenseful because you really can’t guess what would happen next. Damon doesn’t know who is running from and why, so he is surprised just as much as the viewer. This movie defiantly keeps you on your toes.

This is a very action-packed movie. There are some really good-looking fight scenes and it had a lot of them; each of them being different from the one before. The fight with the second assassin was really good. It had a good car chase down narrow streets packed with cars and on-coming traffic. – some really good camera angles from within other cars during the chase. Good music that went along with what was on screen.

Clive Owen looks like a creeper and this movie is probably the only time I’ve ever liked him. Also because he had a small role.

I really liked the addition of Maria. It was nice that Bourne had someone on his side because I was rooting for him so it was nice to see that someone in the movie was in his corner.

I had never been much of a fan of Matt Damon before this movie, but dam, he was amazing as Jason Bourne! Great performance.

I loved how it ended.

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