December 18, 2012

Premium Rush

2012 - 1.1/5

I wanted to watch a movie that would not require much thought. From the get go, I had put this movie in the ‘mindless movie’ category and now that I’ve seen it, I know I wasn’t wrong.

-I liked the camera angles when it seemed as if you were going along with the rider (you see what the biker sees).

-I didn’t mind the narration in the beginning. JGL has a good voice and it suited a voice over. I also liked how it didn’t happen through the entire movie – it was a select few parts.

-I liked how a map of Wilee’s ‘to and from’ location was drawn out. It was a nice visual.

-This movie got straight to the point in the first 10 minutes. I hate it when movies like this drag it out for longer than it needs to be. Everything was spelled out for the viewer with as much time as needed and it moved on and that worked for me.

-It doesn’t go forward in chronological order. Usually movies like this destroy that concept, but I actually think this movie did a good job. Some flashbacks weren’t necessary, but they weren’t too long.

-JGL a great actor and I like watching him on screen. I have a feeling he only signed up for this movie because he was genuinely interested in bikes… rather than be in it just for the money (because lets face it, it did come out a week after The Dark Knight Rises).

-I thought this movie would be all about bike tricks and cool moves (?), but it only happened in one scene. I liked how the director tried to away from the idea that he should just throw in cool bike tricks to make the movie seem ‘cool’.

-First 20 minutes were really good, but after that the tone changed and the characters seemed a bit whinny.

-I f**king HATE how movies like this always have a girl that 2 guys are competing for. It’s such a stupid thing to add. Things like this always make the movie worse.

-The script was TERRIBLE!

-What was with Bobby Monday’s voice as the movie went on?

-The plot was advertised as a ‘chase movie’ and that’s what you get. The reason as to why Bobby Monday was chasing Wilee and why Wilee was trying to get the package to the right person was just plain stupid.

-In the first 20 minutes I actually cared about Wilee and his wellbeing, but as the movie went on, it was trying to get you to care about Nima and her situation, but I didn’t.

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