April 1, 2013


2013 - 0/5
I actually saw this on March 12th, but because it was Disney movie month, I didn't want to post it then.

I’m having issues getting my thoughts out. I know I didn’t like the movie, but I can’t put it into words. I think my biggest problem with this movie was the plot. First off, it was dumb. It was SO dumb. I tried to write out a quick summary, but I just can’t. It’s just ridiculous. From here on, I plan on adding bits and pieces of IMDB reviewers reviews that will convey how I feel about this movie.

“”I'm absolutely astounded by the amount of praise this film is getting from critics and audiences.”

“Let's add another crappy pg-13 horror movie to the ever growing unfortunate list of crappy pg-13 horror movies shall we.”

“…you see Mama and all of her computer generated glory. She looks like a distorted Sarah Jessica Parker but far less scary than the real SJP. Its really hard to be scared of something that looks so unreasonably fake!”

“The plot that seemed original in the beginning turns out to be as generic as possible and one really lame ass ghost story.”

“Nothing in the film makes to much sense. There seems to be no logical reason for anything to be happening.”

“There is also a lot of plot holes. The ghost for example is clearly a good one at the start of the film. It protected and cared for the two kids for five years straight and it killed one guy, a man that was about to kill them. Not actually evil there. But then she goes evil because...? Well the film suggests that she's jealous of the new parents. But if that's the case, why does she wait so long to strike? Her power seems endless at the end of the film. It would of been nice if she had a motive because you can't simply say she's evil due to her literally saving the kids lives. Oh, and did I mention she spends most of the film trying to find her lost baby only to destroy the things bones? Why? Beats me. It's just random.”

“…the rest of this film is an absolute mess of clichés and underwritten characters.”

“The Annabel character also makes no sense.”

“By introducing her via a negative home pregnancy test celebration, followed by a brief exploration of her career as a beer-swilling bassist in a punk rock brand, audiences are immediately made to see Annabel as a nihilist toward the responsibility of being a parent. As the film progresses, it's totally transparent that her attachment toward the girls will grow and her newly found maternal instincts will keep her from running out the door. ”

“It was painfully obvious that whoever wrote this movie had no freaking idea how to end it.”

“90 minutes of your life is far to important to waste on this rubbish”

“This is truly a horrendous film and a total waste of Hollywood resources. To even associate Guillermo del Toro's (Pan's Labyrinth) name to this project is insulting and misleading.”

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