2016 - 0/5
I really didn’t know what to expect going into this movie. I’m not sure if I’ve seen the original Ghostbusters in its entirety, let alone any of it… I remember the song… and barley that. Also note that I did not see this in 3D.
Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig and Chris Hemsworth aside, I had no idea who anyone else was. As for the cameos made, you could tell that they were shoehorned in.
I knew going in that it wasn’t going to be the story line that would hold my interest, it would be the comedy from McCarthy and Wiig. I enjoyed most of their others movies, I liked the idea of a remake of the original but with a female cast, and I was really hoping it would be the dialogue that would keep my attention. It did have the typical type of humour I’ve come to expect from McCarthy and Wiig. It just seemed as if the actors were reading their lines and I found that the jokes just didn’t land and they were as flat as the paper it was written on.
The characters were so one-dimensional, there was *no* character development. Chris Hemsworth as Kevin as a point of comic relief got to be so repetitive that it was just annoying. And really, his character was useless to the plot.
A lot of things seemed to be added in for the sake of being added, and something’s that you might have hoped for further explanation never really happened; for example, where did they get their money from to make all the equipment? Why did Abby and Erin hair colour change at the end? Why was the villain doing what he was doing (his motive) – nothing was explained.
There were some aspects of race and gender that I wasn’t really happy with. It didn’t sit well with me that the only black character in this movie was the only character that wasn’t an academic/”educated”. She was the stereotypical “street-smart” one in the bunch. I mentioned earlier that I liked the idea of this movie being an all-female cast, but I didn’t think it would be at the expense of men. I know Hollywood does that all the time when it comes to women in certain roles, but did this movie really need to do that with the men in the movie?
An hour into this movie, I looked at my watch and was just hoping it would end. I just wasn’t on board. I was hoping the script would be the saving grace, but that didn’t work out for me.
I cannot justify giving this movie anything more than a zero. It had no redeeming qualities.
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