December 12, 2017


2017 - 4/5

Thoughts before seeing the movie:
I could not be more excited to see this movie. If you know me, you'll know that Disney/Pixar are my absolute FAVOURITE animated movie company. I would be lying if I said that I'm not going into this movie with anything but high hopes. One thing that I am most likely going to be comparing this to is 20th Century Fox's, The Book of Life.

Thoughts after seeing the movie:

The plot is one that has been done before… a kid who wants to do one thing, but a family that is trying to get him to do another. It was a bit familiar, but where Pixar gets the points is the storytelling, the visuals, the voice acting and everything else.

When it comes to the plot, ya, like I said earlier, it has been done before. Case in point, The Book of Life (2014). I mentioned above that I was worried that I was going to be comparing this movie to that the entire time, but honestly, after the first 5 minutes, I forgot about The Book of Life. Yes, they do have the very same basic premise, but how they go about telling the story is very different.

I think it’s fair to say that it is expected that any Pixar movie be visually stunning, and this movie was no different. Whether it was the land of the living or the land of the dead, it was done so beautifully and I could only imagine how much time and effort went into one scene, let alone the entire movie.

The music as a whole worked incredibly well. I can’t say that I remember a specific song, but whatever it was paired with on screen worked incredibly well.

The characters were great in this movie. I think the amount of time spent developing each character, mainly Miguel and Hector was perfect. As the movie goes on, Miguel learns that there’s no point in being an amazing musician unless you have the support of your family and someone to share it with. It was nice that he was able to learn how to balance his own wants and needs with his family values. As for Hector, I loved how as the movie progressed, we got to learn more about him. When it came to light that he was indeed Miguel’s great, great, great(?) grandfather, it was a twist that I didn’t see coming (despite some things that would give it away). It was heartbreaking because for the majority of the movie, you’re rooting for Miguel, but then you kind of end rooting for Hector more so, but it ends up working out because they’re of the same bloodline. Even Dante, the dog had a little bit of character development (turning into a true spirit guide); he was used sparingly, which was nice because I hate when they overuse the comic relief and end up relying on it too much.

It was a typical story, told in a Pixar way. If you like Pixar, you’re going to like this movie. If you think you’re going to be comparing it to The Book of Life, I can assure you that that won’t happen.

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