So here's my short review... It sucked.
I want to say that I'm going to draw parallels from the book, BUT, there isn't anything to draw. The movie and book are SO INCREDIBLY DIFFERENT that while I was watching the movie, I was constantly saying "did I read the same book?". The only part that I knew was taken from the book is when Lisbeth says "go to bed" to the kid. I shit you not, that was legit, the only similarity between the 2. At this point I'm honestly surprised they didn't change the name of the characters!
Another point that I'd like to mention before getting into the review is that the book did have a different author than the first 3, so even this book had a different vibe to it, but I did enjoy the book much more than the movie. So if you get a chance to read the book, I'd say invest your time in doing that and skip the movie!
Okay, lets get on with the actual review!
First off, I'd like to say that I HAAAAATED the fact that, although this movie is set in Sweden, with Swedish characters (and presumably actors, I don't care to actually check), they all spoken English, but with a stupid accent. Oh my god, I can't emphasis enough how much this annoyed me. How fucking lazy can people be? They don't want to read subtitles?
Secondly, the moment the new Lisbith Salander came on screen, I hated her. I want to sit here and say that "I don't know what it was about her I didn't like", but I know exactly why I hated her. It's because it wasn't the same actor (Naomi Rapace) from the first 3. That is my image of Lisbith Salander and that is what it always will be. The girl in this movie did not act very well. She sucked. I was willing to put aside my immediate hatred for her if she did well in the role, but she didn't.
Oh, and on the topic of actors, Blomkvist and Berger were also HORRIBLE! *insert throw up emoji*. I just couldn't get into the movie because ALL the actors were bad.
As I said above, the plot of the movie didn't really follow the exact plot of the book, and I think it's fair to compare the 2, considering the movie is based off the book. The story line that the movie took was terrible. They've strayed so far away from what the first 3 books were, it's just sad to see how Hollywood'ized this has become.
Not going to lie, but the more I think about this movie, the more I hate it. Overall I think your time was better spent reading my review than watching this movie. You're welcome.
Usually when I'm done writing my review, I go onto IMDB and read the reviews of people that also hated the movie to see if we hated it for the same reason. Here are some of my favourite parts of other peoples reviews:
-How did I hate this movie? Let me count the ways. (peterwcohen-300-947200 5 November 2018)8) Police cars arriving at crime scenes choreographed to look like dancers entering the stage in Swan Lake.
-Well..... (beautifulblu83 29 October 2018)
The first US version was disappointing. The second movie is even worse. Please save yourself the trouble and don't go see it.
-Sony please just stop. (TheOnlyEvanlarsen 9 November 2018)
Not going to write a lengthy review. Just here to say that this is NOT Lisbeth Salander...This story is taken from the book NOT written by the original author, written after his death against his families wishes.
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