2019 - 3.7/5
For the most part it's a re-hash of the animated version. I will never think it's as good, but it was done well.
The CGI was really good, the voice actors were all right too (I found that the voice actor for young Simba was pretty close to the 90s version; I absolutely thought that Seth Rogen was a great choice; people are gonna hate me for saying this, but I didn't think that Beyoncé was a good choice).
I will say that someone told me before I watched it that the one thing that bothered them was the lack of emotion portrayed, and it's understandable because you can't really animate that, but as I was watching it (the part where Musafa dies) didn't pull at my heart stirs nearly as much as the animated cartoon version from the 90s. So that part was a bit meh for me.
Overall, it wasn't bad and I liked how they kept it pretty close to the 90s version.
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