2013 - 1/5
I can’t shrug the feeling that this was made for an older audience. Yes, I’m thinking what you’re thinking. The Hangover, Seniors Edition.
I liked how the movie started with the 4 kids as friends when they were young. It wasn’t that long of a scene, but it established exactly what it needed to. I wouldn’t have minded if it was longer either, but realistically, it didn’t need to be.
I thought the grouping of Robert DeNiro, Morgan Freeman and Michael Douglas (and the other guy) was great! They looked like people that would be friends so that was an easy pill to swallow. I have no qualms with the acting. Where this movie suffers though, is pretty much everything else.
The script and storyline were as weak as the old men themselves. A few hours after the movie I remembered that I had watched it. It sucks because there was actually a great premise to work with, but the movie had no substance. The dialogue could have been really funny and it could have had some really good one liners, but it fell flat.
I give it a 1 for the actors, young and old. That is all.
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