March 24, 2014

The Beach

2000 - 4/5

"Never refuse an invitation, never resist the unfamiliar, never cease to be polite, and never outstay your welcome" – Richard.

I was a teen when I first saw this movie in 2000. I’ve watched it a couple times since then and every time, I’ve loved it. The opening scene with the voiceover narration draws you in and sets the tone for the rest of the movie. The music choices for the movie were oh-so fitting. I loved it enough that I went and bought the soundtrack, and I still listen to the songs to this day 14 years later.

The thing about DiCaprio is that you can watch any of his several movies and always think that he’s done an amazing job. This statement fully applies to this movie. A young DiCaprio is so good in this film. His looks, his acting, his everything embodies the character of Richard, a young American grasping for the unknown… to find his piece of paradise.

As for the other actors, they fit the bill, but nothing that stood out as much as DiCaprio. With that being said, I do want to mention that I immediately recognized Daffy; it took a couple seconds to clue in that it was Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold from Once Upon A Time.

Overall, I think it was a solid movie with a great plot, good script, good acting and the most amazing cinematography! I’m dying to go to Thailand and the rest of South East Asian more than ever! Hopefully 2015 ;) :D

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