March 9, 2018


2017 - 0/5

aka: teacher stalker. deserved.

spoiler alert... but lets be real, you won't be watching it anyways.

first gripe: wtf was with that "yawn". if you can't act a yawn, then you can't act.

the only good acting came from the baby.
dylan sprouse wasn't terrible, but the character/script sucked. pro: his hair.

i predicted many things (that lucas was getting that girl to write her own "suicide" note and that he'd push her off; that lucas would kill the wife, and hold the baby hostage; that lucas's dad was going to commit suicide; and something else that i'm currently forgetting).

the movie never really expanded on some things... like why lucas was a psychopath... what actually happened to his mom... if the dad was actually successful, and that what made it so that he knew his son was crazy... how lucas swapped mr bulter's professor application... did that chess kid die in chem class, or was he just seriously injured (and if he died, why wasn't there an investigation, and if he didn't die, then how is it that he didn't see lucas put drops of whatever into the petri dish?)

the detective was stupid and had he/the department questioned the "suicide" note, they would have easily noticed (especially if mr bulter pointed it out because he seemed to pick up on it) that the pen used was lucas's.