May 5, 2015

All Relative

2014 - 2.3/5

So I wanted to watch a movie that I’d be able to write a review about right after I saw it… one that wouldn’t leave me thinking… so I picked this movie thinking that it’ll have the same highs and lows as other romantic comedies; and don’t get me wrong, it does… BUT… I was pleasantly surprised with this.

Right off the bat, I thought that the main guy was a terrible choice as a lead, but not even 5 minutes in, I had done a complete 180! I have no idea what it was about him/the character, but he was perfect for the role.

For a movie that I had somewhat expected that it wouldn’t have any depth, it would be the typical rom-com, and have bad acting to top it off, I ended up liking it.

I found it kind of odd that Harry felt like he was betraying Grace considering he slept with her mom before they started dating. Realistically, it was an awkward coincidence.

I also wasn’t a fan with regards to how Maren was trying to control Harry, considering that she was the one that neglected to say that she was married. I think that because she didn’t answer his question clearly, she was the one lying to him.

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