September 28, 2010

The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day

(2009) -3/5


"They're either on their way, or they're already here"

I decided to read the reviews (on imdb) after I watched the movie itself, rather than the other way around - I've heard mixed reviews from people I've talked to and I wanted to watch it without any preconceived judgments. Now that I've seen it, I do understand why so many people hated this movie (and some even thought it tainted their opinions of the first), however, although it wasn't as good as the first, I don't think it's as horrible as the reviews make it out to be. With that being said, I do wish I had a chance to watch the first one again because I haven't seen it in such a long time; but I do remember loving it.

I liked the slow motion gunfights and it had the most intense scene of Russian roulette I've ever seen (which was my favorite scene by far). The first BDS had a good comedy, whereas BDS2 had comedy at random points so it had a less serious tone than the first. The banter between the 3 detectives and the FBI special agent was at times entertaining, but it was overdone too, which made it childish and distasteful. There were a few parts that people would be shouting at each other at the same time and I actually had to turn on the subtitles to understand what was being said.

The low budget is reflected in the acting and the editing. There were a few transitions between scenes that were a bit jumpy; the minimal editing made it seem as if some scenes skipped to the next, but it didn't really take away from the movie.

When I found out that this sequel has the original actors as the father and sons, I figured it was worth the watch considering the actors from the first agreed to come back after 10 years. The brothers were awesome and the dad was solid too! Clifton Collins Jr had a lot of one-liners (example: "this isn't rocket surgery") - some were funny, some were poorly written. Julie Benz is great on Dexter, but she didn't really suit this roll and the southern accent was atrocious. I guess she was supposed to be a female version of Smecker, but he was just too good and there was no way she could fill his shoes. The bad guys/ gangsters were a joke; I don't really want to get into it, but I will say that they were dimwitted and slow, not to mention the horrible acting.

As it progressed I do think it got better - it was an average movie, which sucks because it could have been so much better! A few tweaks here and there would have got it a higher rating. Every mistake took its toll on my overall opinion of the movie. The ending left it open for a Boondock Saints 3 so I'm interested to see how that'll turn out, hopefully not in another10 years!

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