January 5, 2016

Banksy Does New York

2014 - 4.5/5

I've been a fan of Banksy's work for a while now, and I remember being excited to watch Exit Through the Gift Shop when it first came out (in theatres).

Strictly Banksy related stuff:
So cool that he took up residence in NY for 1 month and added a piece everyday. Obviously this was pre-planned far in advanced and with the help of several people.

I think the message Banksy ends up sending in his art is just incredible. He ties his art into past and present events.

People steal his art and try to sell it, some people trying to charge money for it, some people try to preserve it. It was interesting to see how people went crazy and followed it.

It was so cool to see how the size difference between his pieces - some were small, others were on a much larger scale. Just fascinating.

When it comes to the actual movie:
I did not like how some of the scenes weren't edited out (the art gallery guy talking about House of Cards); not necessary and really stupid to add into this. And a few other parts that just did not belong. There were some people that were being interviewed that I thought should have had more screen time than other ones.

These are my favourite pieces:

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