October 31, 2012

Repo! The Genetic Opera

2008 - 5/5

I really wanted to watch a scary movie on Halloween and I tried to watch American Psycho and Halloween (2007), but both were so boring so I turned them off. I took a look at my movies and the moment my eyes saw Repo! I knew what I’d watch.

I have never been a fan of musicals and I’ve been to an Opera once and although it was nice, can’t say I’d go to one again. I’m not sure what I expected in terms of a Rock Opera, but after having seen the movie (more than once), I can say that I loved it.

Considering this wouldn’t be the type of movie I’d be eager to see, I don’t remember why I really wanted to see it when it first came out. It could have been because the storyline was so intriguing. To think that a Repo-Man would be sent to reposes an organ was new to me. There was a lot of gore, but at the same time it was tastefully done, so I noticed it in more of an artsy way than slasher’ish.

I liked the songs and how it was incorporated into the dialogue as well as how the songs were mixed in with the plot on a more direct level than most musicals are. The song Zydrate Anatomy was my favourite, and by the end of the movie I was ready to buy the soundtrack, but the CD wasn’t available in Canada, so I just downloaded a few songs off iTunes.

As for the acting, I think everyone, and yes, I mean Paris Hilton as well, did a great job. All the voices were unique and each character was well rounded. Everyone’s voices were really good and my favourites had to be The Grave Robber and Blind Mag.

I LOVED the graphic novel drawings used to illustrate the back story. It was a very creative and unique way to do that. The movie flowed in and out of them very well.

I remember that the first time I watched it in the theatres, I really had to go to pee about 15 minutes in, but I didn’t go because I didn’t want to miss a thing.

I can’t say that this movie is for everyone and I’d be selective with regards to whom I’d recommend it to, but it was a solid movie all around. Worth watching if you have an idea of what you’re getting yourself into.

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