September 27, 2014

Need for Speed

2014 - 0/5

I really felt like watching a movie, and I even more so felt like watching a movie that I could write the review as I watched the movie. I picked this one. The only, and I truly mean only reason I picked this one is because I like Aaron Paul. If this movie had any other male lead, I probably wouldn’t have watched it at all.

As I mentioned earlier, I’m going to write this review as I watch it. Mainly because I don’t want this movie to take up any more time than the time I’m watching it. So here goes it…

For a movie that has the word ‘speed’ in it, it started off pretty slow.

You can see that there’s a sense of comradely and friendship, but you don’t feel it.

Its like a sappy version Fast & the Furious with all the slow-mo’s.

It’s like Aaron Paul all of a sudden couldn’t act on the big screen.

It just seems like a cookie cutter movie with the typical have-to-have moments.

It was as if this movie was created by young guys wanting to show off some cool driving, so they came up with a shitty storyline to make an excuse to show off.

I’m only half way through and there were so many things that could have been cut out.

Ugh, it’s so cheesy with one implausible situation after another. Beyond belief!

That narrator kind of guy was annoying so did not need to be in the movie at all.

I just realized that this is the 2nd movie I've seen w/ Paul and Poots! A Long Way Down being the first I've seen these 2 together, and that was released this year as well!

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