April 3, 2012


1996 - 3/5

-A very compelling story about the friendship between 4 boys, revenge and justice.
-What the boys go through is heartbreaking and you can’t help but be on their side.
-The trial was very well played. I LOVED every minute of it. Truly brilliant.
-Loved the acting by the 4 boys; they defiantly held their own with the subject matter at hand.
-I wasn’t a fan of the adult who played the adult Shakes.
-Loved Robert DeNiro and Dustin Hoffman.
-I did hate Kevin Bacon’s character, but I thought he did a good job portraying that role.
-For a movie that came out in 1996, I thought it had some really good transitions between scenes.
-It did not seem as if it was over 2 hours long.
-Once you know the back-story about certain people, you’re not as quick to judge.

Mom’s review:
-It was really good.
-It portrayed a good friendship between the 4 boys.
-They looked out for one another.
-Just for laughs and fun they pulled a prank on a hot dog vendor and they ended up in trouble together.
-They went through a lot of hard times while in the Wilkenson Centre.
-In the end, they all helped one another and produced their own sense of justice.
-When they got out of Wilkenson Centre, at least 2 of them went on to do good.
-Eventually when the Priest believed in what happened to the boys, he understood that justice came in a different form.

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