October 24, 2010

The Final Destination

 (2009) - 1/5

The first was good, and as it went on it got worse and worse; and now it [supposedly] ends with this one. Because I've seen the first three, I was obligated to watch this too. 


During the opening credits I did like the x-ray recap of how some of the other people died in the first 3 movies. Knowing full well, what I got myself into, I was expecting it to be highly unrealistic but this was just ridiculous!
There isn't much that needs to be said about the acting (it sucked) and the dialogue was cheesy and cliché.
It was pretty much the same basic plot as the first 3, but unlike the first 3 that had some tension building up, this didn't; the deaths weren't as thought provoking as the first three, instead it was overkill (literally and figuratively); in the first three, there were many objects/ways for a person to die and it kept the audiences attention because we wanted to know which option the director took from the possible outcomes. In this film however, a few things surrounding the death were shown, and then they died, leaving no room for the audience to debate what might happen. 
A review that I had read on IMDB stated that "Final Destination 1 had -'signs' - Final Destination 2 had 'visions' - and Final Destination 3 had 'photos'." Each movie brought something new, but the fourth one had nothing to add. Then again, it's not like I was expecting a masterpiece or anything.

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