October 4, 2010

Sorority Row

 (2009) - 2/5

Acting: C+
Script: F
Plot: C
Overall: C
this is like "i know what you did last summer" but with sorority girls... it started off pretty good, but two thirds in, it started to crumble. there were some chessy parts and the acting is exactly what i expected it to be. overall, better than i expected, so it was somewhat entertaining. i have to admit, that i was a little upset that audrina was the first to die (this is in the trailer, so its not a spoiler).
i was disappointed with who the killer was, there was really no reason for him to be the killer, so it seemed as if the director was trying to make it really hard to guess who it was, but at the same time it was really trying to push that he had a valid reason to kill everyone (which i don't believe he did), and i think that that is what made this movie go downhill.

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