October 28, 2010

She's Out Of My League

2010 - 3/5

The trailer made it seem as if it was a comedy targeted towards a predominantly male audience, but it turns out to be more of a romantic comedy and tips the scales towards a chick flick. Considering this movie uses a 10-point scale, I will follow suit. Alice Eve as Molly was a 'hard 10' (honestly, I'd have to disagree); Jay Baruchel as Kirk was a 5 (he's Canadian, so I'd give him a 7); and this movie was a 6.

Plot: B
I liked the way the movie was advertised and its tagline: 'How can a 10 go for a 5'? - the director could have really made it into something different than what's already been done. With that being said, it did seem slightly original; other than The Girl Next Door (2004) I can't think of another movie with roughly the same plot.
A review I read on IMDB pretty much sums up the movie:
"The same old routine. Daft boy meets super hot girl, super hot girl falls for daft boy, (skip some), they have a falling out, (skip some), and then they get back together and live happily ever after"
I really haven't ruined anything, because if you didn't already see this coming, you probably haven't seen any movies.

Script: B
It's not really a laugh-out-loud movie, but I did chuckle a few times; it did have some good one-liners, none really worth mentioning.

Acting: B+
There's a lot of diversity (not sure if that's the right word) among the group of friends and family, but it seemed as if it was a collision between the cast of American Pie and Knocked Up.

Kirk's character was awkward and clumsy and it seemed as if Michael Cera would have fitted this role, but he wouldn't have suited this type of comedy - enter Jay Baruchel. Kirk himself is a sweet and caring, but he has a quirky family (what's new?).

I have never heard of Alice Eve before this movie; she did a good job with the role (as Molly), but she didn't add more to the character. There were a few attributes that Molly had in this movie that haven't really been in most other movies; that character did have a personality rather than just being the pretty face.

I did not like TJ Miller's character Stainer; I typically don't like any characters that portray that type of person.
Mike Vogel (as Jack) was hot, but didn't have much of role; he was the pretty boy in the group.
Nate Torrence as Devon was okay; he was the typical lovable, heavy guy in the group.

Soundtrack: C+
Had decent songs, but too many of them. The volume of the songs would sometimes drown out what the characters were saying which got annoying.

Overall: B
The only person really worth mentioning was Jay Baruchel; the storyline was pretty good, but the execution not so much. It did have some funny parts, which was the reason why I gave it a 6/10 - it was above average, but not by much.

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