February 21, 2012

The Contract

2006 – 0.5/5

This entire review will contain spoilers, but it’s a predictable movie so it’s not like I’d really be giving anything away. When I first saw this movie around the time it came out, I thought it was pretty good for something that was straight to DVD. With that being said, this movie is not without its fault – and by golly, there are many. There wasn’t much substance or direction, so this movie fell short of its potential. And seriously, this movie had potential!

There were a lot of parts that were unrealistic and coincidental:
-Ray being an ex-cop, ergo, knowing how to use guns
-Chris (the son) knowing his way around the woods because of one prior outing
-One of the ‘bad guys’ just happens to be an expert tracker
-The ‘bad guys’ getting a hold of a police helicopter without being detected
-Chris giving the gun to the guy in the couple they come across when the helicopter is approaching, and the guy gets shot, not the kid

Is the audience really supposed to believe all this crap? Yes, Ray is an ex-cop, but the audience never gets to know why Ray chooses to take Carden into police custody (to prove himself to his kid?). It is also never explained why that FBI lady wanted Carden dead and gave orders to one of the ‘bad guys’ to kill him (considering they’ve never met).

The acting by Morgan Freeman was pretty good; him in the role of an assassin seemed really cool, but there wasn’t much to the character itself. I never thought that John Cusack was a good actor because he practically portrays the same character in every movie and this movie is no exception. The role of Carden and Ray could have been played by nobodies and it wouldn’t have effected the movie in any way. Obviously, they were both in this for the money. This kid Chris was one step away from being a teen angst in every sense of his character. As for the couple, you knew they were added so one of them gets killed and the nudity that went along with the introduction of the couple wasn’t necessary.

Like I said earlier, this movie had potential, and with a few tweaks here and there, it could have been good, but don’t’ waste your time with this one.

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