February 19, 2012


2003 – 3.7/5

After being detained, Alex Montel, a criminal wanted in several countries for several offences, offers $100 Million to anyone that will help him escape. Enter LAPD SWAT team. I like the plot but the $100 Million aspect was questionable, but I rolled with it.

The members of the SWAT team were a good group: Colin Farrell fit the personae of Jim Street. I was thinking that LL Cool J would be the weakest link, and of course he had to show off his body, but he did fine with the role. Michelle Rodriguez as Sanchez was good, but she didn’t have a chance to make an impact with the short amount of screen time she had. And Samuel L. Jackson as Hondo was convincing as the team leader, and lets face it, SLJ is badass and so was his character. As for Jeremy Renner, [I think] this was the first movie I had ever seen him in (when this movie first came out), and I had a feeling he would go on to better roles – case in point: The Town.

There was a lot of action to keep you entertained, although at times it was overdone. There really wasn’t much to the script; it seemed as if some lines were added to make it better or perhaps more gripping, but really, nothing stood out. There really wasn’t much character development. For brief moments you get to see a tiny glimpse into a few of the characters and that was it, but I didn’t mind though because you don’t watch a movie like this for its characters, you watch it for the action.

During the final fight between Gamble and Street, it was dark so at times it was hard to tell what was going on, but it was well choreographed.

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